Terms and conditions


(valid from 01.05.2024r.)

1. General Provisions

The following General Terms and Conditions of Sales of Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. are applicable to sales/purchase agreements made with Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. (hereafter: ‘MARO’, ‘MARO Office Furniture’, ‘we’, ‘us’) with registered office in Fabianowska 100, 62-052 Komorniki, Poland.

2. Scope

1.The delivery of our goods and services is made solely on the basis of the following General Terms and Conditions of Sales. These General Terms and Conditions of Sales apply to all future deliveries, even if, in individual cases, those do not clearly refer to them. Other than those General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, which application we expressly exclude, are not binding, even when those were not explicitly expressed on our part. This is also the case in knowing about the different conditions of the Ordering Party we realized for him delivery without additional reservations. General terms and conditions of purchase of the Contractor do not bind us, also when - apart from the content of these General Terms and Conditions of Sales - deviate from statutory regulations. These terms are no longer effective when replaced new ones.

3. Offer and conclusion of the contract

1.Information, pricelists and other advertising materials addressed to unspecified recipient are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer, but are invitation to negotiations.
2.Delivery of the goods takes place on the basis of a written order where conditions for its execution, with exact specification, in particular including assortment, quantity and color of ordered goods. Terms that were not written down are considered to be non- proprietary.
3.The contract is concluded when the Seller sends to the Buyer the “Order confirmation” or an automatically generated e-mail confirmation.
4.Execution of ordered goods only takes place on the basis of "Order confirmation" or an e-mail confirmation.
5.We reserve the right of ownership, copyrights and patent rights utility model for drawings, calculations, studies of a character consultants and other documents provided or made available to the Buyer at the conclusion of the contract. Those are for decision making process only and may not be reproduced in whole or in part or made available to third parties without our explicit written consent.

4. Price and payment

1.All prices quoted are net prices (without Value Added Tax). In the event of no different provisions arising from our offerIn the absence of any other provisions arising from our offer, the price does not include shipping costs (Ex Works according to INCOTERMS 2020), assembly or additional services.
2.The price is payable without deductions (bank charges, etc.) upon receipt of the original invoices within the deadline indicated in the invoice as payment deadline.
3.In case of non-payment in due time, the Buyer shall be delayed, without the need to
show other premises. From the day of falling into a delay, we are entitled to charge contractual interest for late payment, according to current statutory interest rate. Ifhigher damage is found, we reserve the right to claim additional compensation.
Regardless of the possibility of calculating interest, we are entitled to suspend theremaining supplies and make those dependent on settling all late payments and due obligations towards us and securing collateral payment for future deliveries.
Additionally, in the case of the Buyer failing to meet our requirements within 14 days, we can - without appointing any additional deadlines - withdraw from the contract for all or selected accepted orders until now not completed orders. The above mentioned deprive the Buyer to raise any claims against us.
4.Irrespective of the Buyer’s indications, payments are cleared in the sequence of the earliest payments due. In case of additional costs and interest charges on arrears are payable to us, regardless of the Buyer’s indications, payments will clear costs and interest in the first place, and later pay for the main receivables.
5.In case of conceiving a suspicion about Buyer’s insolvency or lack of credit capacity of the Buyer, the Buyer delayed with the payment or has declared bankruptcy or has applied to open arrangement proceedings, we can refrain from completing submitted orders, unrealized orders or make their completion dependent upon submission of the security we have specified or upon advance payment for the remainder of the order, and in the case of non-redress to our request to withdraw from all contracts. The Buyer shall not be entitled thereto against us any claims.
6.If the right of withdrawal is exercised, the Buyer will reimburse in full all the documented inputs (orders produced up to the date). This does not violate the right of inquiry by us to further claim damages. In circumstances indicated above, we are also entitled to further prohibit the Buyer to resale our goods and to regain unpaid goods at the cost of the Buyer.
7.Right to make a deduction is only available to the Ordering Party, if the claim against us is a valid court judgment or has been expressly acknowledged by us in writing. However, the claimant is not entitled to make a deduction with the amount he has received by way of a transfer. The Buyer is not entitled to suspend payment under any circumstance and at any time.
8.The listed price for the BookingGO service is the base price and requires written confirmation for each order. BookinGO collection products require the purchase of the BookinGO service to operate.

5. Characteristics of the goods

1.Information about properties of the goods is included in the valid contractual terms of the product, which can be viewed at any time at our headquarters or, at the request of the Buyer, may be sent at any time.
2.We are not responsible for the compatibility of the product with the interior it is intended for.
3.We are not liable for any damages caused, if the goods ordered by the Buyer are not intended for normal use only or will be used in non-standard conditions.
4.We are not responsible for the fact that individual parts may differ slightly in color from one another as well as color changes depending on the weather and climate conditions, in particular resulting from extreme humidity, heat and color fading resulting from uneven illumination.
5.We are not responsible for minor inconsistencies in the dimensions of the ordered goods. The acceptable deviation is +/- 1 cm for wood and metal products and +/- 3 cm for upholstered products.
6.We are not responsible for the assembly of the product unless otherwise specified in the contract or order confirmation.
7.We also do not accept any liability for the suitability of the goods ordered by us in order to achieve the intended purpose of the Buyer, assuming that the Buyer has appropriately assessed the conditions to use of the goods, the space available and
the proper design of the premises in which the goods will be located.
8.Misuse as well as improper assembly can have negative impact on the property and suitability for use of our products. Please adhere to our assembly instructions, which will be made available at the request of the Buyer.

6. BookinGO service features

1.Our technological partner implementing BookinGO services and their guarantor is EVEO sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Walerego Slawka 3A, 30-633 Kraków, NIP: 6762363773, REGON: 120580987 (hereinafter: 'Eveo').
2.For the duration of the implementation and in order to provide warranty/SLA for the System, the Contractor shall provide remote access to the System..
3.Eveo's and MARO's liability under warranty is excluded. The total liability for all titles arising from the execution of the offer shall be limited to the amount of the order and shall only cover actual damage. Neither Eveo nor MARO shall be held liable for lost profits if the damage had not been caused.
4.The terms and conditions of the software license and warranty, are available by clicking on the link and the Contractor, by placing an order, confirms that he or she has read and accepts them: ttps://oc.eveo.pl:789/owncloud/s/WwrGP0lg3QYbwx9
5.In the event of an error, the Contractor shall initially verify the reported problem in order to exclude an error on the part of the user/Contractor or its dependent IT systems.
6.Eveo shall, as a part of the project, provide training in the administration and operation of the System for a maximum of 2 hours to persons specified by the Contractor. Eveo shall not provide training to more than 10 persons simultaneously.Eveo jest administratorem danych osobowych.
7.Technical requirements to be met by the Contractor for the proper operation of the System: https://oc.eveo.pl:789/owncloud/s/HhFeoRD61PzVtRU
8.Eveo is the administrator of the personal data.

7. Delivery and fulfillment obligations

1.We are obliged to deliver the goods only, if our offer, contract, or order confirmation provides so.
2.The delivery date is specified in the Order Acceptance Confirmation sent by MARO. It is allowed to notify about the delivery by telephone, SMS or e-mail. The delivery of products directly to the Final Recipient specified by the Contractor, must be notified and agreed with MARO while placing an order. The Contractor is obliged to provide MARO in writing with the delivery address and details of the contact person authorized to receive the products, providing his or her name, telephone number and e-mail address.
3.MARO selects the suitable means of transport for the delivery of the order. If on the part of the Contractor there are special requirements for the means of transport, additional charges may be added upon agreement with the Contractor.
4.The goods shall be packaged, labeled and described in a manner appropriate to MARO. Individual batches in subsequent deliveries may vary in packaging.
5.We are liable for the damages resulting from damage and soiling of the goods caused by improper packaging and lack of protection during transportation only in the case of own delivery.
6.We are not liable for any damage caused by improper storage of the goods in the Contractor’s warehouse.
7.Due to the specific features of the products, it is understood that, unless otherwise stated in the order, the unloading location specified in the order is accessible by a truck. The Contractor is obliged to inform MARO of any technical, road and infrastructural constraints preventing delivery to both its warehouse and the final
recipient. In the event that the Contractor's warehouse or the final recipient's
reception location is located in an area restricted to road traffic or in an area restricted to the circulation of delivery trucks, the Contractor is obliged to indicate an alternative delivery location, or if the deliveries require special permits, it is up to the Contractor to obtain them. Failure to comply with the information obligations stated above authorizes MARO to charge the Contractor with the cost of the uncompleted delivery.
8.Upon the Contractor's request and with MARO's explicit consent, we may arrange transportation of the goods (carrier or forwarder) at the Contractor's expense. In such a case, the transportation costs borne by MARO shall be passed on to the Contractor based on an invoice issued by MARO. This delivery mode shall not affect the nature of the applicable EXW (Incoterms 2020) rule, including, in particular, the circumstance that the delivery is considered to be made at the moment of delivery of the goods to the carrier (forwarder). Upon the same moment, the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred to the Contractor.
9.The Contractor is allowed to change the delivery date specified in the order confirmation. This change made no later than 48 hours, counted from the moment of order placement, does not incur any financial consequences. If the order delivery date is changed later, MARO reserves the right to charge the Contractor with all the costs related to the start of the production process pertaining to this order. MARO will inform the Contractor about the amount of the incurred costs within 5 working days, counted from the time of the change.
10.In the event of force majeure or other unforeseen, extraordinary, and unavoidable circumstances, such as, for example, non-performance of deliveries by our suppliers, disruptions to our plant caused by fire, water, or other circumstances, breakdowns of production equipment and machinery, strikes and lockouts, shortages of materials or energy, lack of transportation options, actions by state authorities (even if such circumstances occur with our suppliers) – we reserve the right, provided that these circumstances cause us an unavoidable inability to meet our obligations on time, to postpone the delivery date or the performance of the service for the duration of the impediment and for an additional period necessary to resume deliveries. In any case, the Contractor has the right to set us a written additional deadline, not shorter than 2 weeks, if the agreed delivery date has been exceeded by at least 3 weeks. After the additional deadline has expired without effect, the Contractor may withdraw from the contract. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to the Contractor if they themselves are delayed in collecting the goods. The Contractor is not entitled to any claims against us in this regard.
11.Partial deliveries are permitted. If the order has been partially fulfilled by us, the rights of the Contractor specified above (especially the right to withdraw from the contract) apply only to the parts that have not been fulfilled.
12.In the event of the Contractor's failure to timely collect the ordered goods, we are entitled, after prior notification to the Contractor and the expiration of the additional deadline set for collection, to sell the goods at a free-hand sale. The proceeds from the sale will be credited towards our receivable for the uncollected goods. This does not limit our right to claim further damages from the Contractor, including, in particular, any possible difference.
13.In the event of a delay in delivery due to our fault, the Contractor, after the expiration of the deadline specified in § 7.10. without effect, is only entitled to withdraw from the contract and to demand compensation for damages. Compensation covers typical and foreseeable damages at the time of concluding the contract and amounts to a maximum of 0.05% of the net value of the goods for each full day of delay, but not more than 33% of the net value of the goods. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to the Contractor if they themselves are delayed in collecting the goods.

8. Assembly services provided by MARO

1.Should it stem from the Parties' agreement, offer or placed order that together with the delivery of goods, MARO shall provide the Contractor with the service of unloading, assembly, installation, start or any other service related to the delivered goods, the provisions of this clause shall apply to the provision of this service by MARO.
2.In the event that, in the course of the provision of services, it results necessary to perform work that has not been foreseen in the list of planned works forming the basis for the calculation of payment, MARO may demand suitable increase in payment. Prior to performing additional work, MARO shall receive the Contractor's pre-approval for such work. MARO does not install or connect countertops, sinks, or household appliances purchased independently.
3.In the event that materials provided by the Contractor are used in the performance of services, MARO shall not be held responsible for their properties and suitability for the provision of the service. In such circumstances, the Contractor shall be obliged to provide materials in sufficient quantity and quality so that they are suitable for the provision of the service and that their use is legitimate for the intended use.
4.The execution of the CulinArt MARO kitchen installation service requires additional preparatory work by the Contractor:
8.4.1.The actual dimensions of the room/kitchen nook must match the design.
8.4.2.Water, sewage, and electrical connections must be prepared in locations according to the design/schematic provided with the order, and located in alignment with the cabinets and household appliances. The exception is the location where the dishwasher will be installed—valves and outlets should not be in the area of its installation.
8.4.3.The wall structure must allow for the safe installation of wall cabinets. If necessary, the Contractor must reinforce the wall on their own before the installation service. The Contractor must also provide the installation team with dowels suitable for the wall material and the weight of the cabinets with their expected contents.
8.4.4.The purchase of valves, hoses, taps, and other elements necessary for installing the kitchen and connecting household appliances is the Contractor’s responsibility.
8.4.5.The Contractor must provide a person with electrical and plumbing qualifications for the installation period. MARO does not perform electrical connections or water connections as part of the installation service.
8.4.6.Ball valves of 3/8 inch are required for sink installation.
8.4.7.MARO is not responsible for unevenness and gaps resulting from uneven finishing of the room.
5.In the event that the Contractor fails to provide conditions that allow for the proper service completion (in particular: lack of work site, absence of an authorized Contractor's representative on site during the execution of works), MARO shall charge the Contractor with unforeseen additional costs (additional travel of the assembly team, accommodation, remuneration of employees) until the conditions allowing for the proper service completion are fully provided..
6.The completion of the service will be confirmed by an appropriate receipt report, signed by representatives of both parties. The report will include all the Contractor's objections, if any, defects and faults. Should there be no objections in the acceptance report, it shall be assumed that the work has been properly completed, and the service provided meets all the Contractor's requirements.
7.The Contractor shall be held responsible for the proper unloading operations unless agreed otherwise by the parties.

9. Delivery charges

1.The basic and additional rates of charges for deliveries provided in Europe are included in Appendix No. 1.
2.The basic and additional rates of charges for deliveries provided in Poland are included in Appendix No. 2.
3.The unloading of full truckload (FTL) deliveries exceeding 4 hours and unloading of less-than-truckload (LTL) deliveries exceeding 1.5 hours are considered prolonged.
4.For prolonged unloading MARO shall be eligible to charge the Contractor with the fee specified in the Appendix No. 1 for deliveries provided in Europe or in the Appendix No. 2 for deliveries provided in Poland.

10. Passage of the danger of accidental loss or damage

1.If it is not clearly stated that the subject of the order will be delivered at our cost and at our risk, to the final destination indicated by the Buyer, the passage of the accidental loss or damage of the ordered goods shall occur at the time when the responsible person signed Shipping Note or at the moment the goods leave our production facility / warehouse. No matter whether the transportation is made using our own means of transport or whether it will be commissioned by us to a third party and regardless of whether the transport costs are incurred by us, the loading of the goods is the responsibility of the Ordering Party.
2.In the case of delay of receipt of goods for reasons lying on the side of the Buyer, the danger of loss or damage of the goods occurs when the goods are ready to be picked up.

11. Liability for defects

1.We shall not be liable for defects resulting from natural wear and tear, failure to adhere to the instructions and recommendations given, unauthorized alterations to the delivered, assembled and / or used goods. The above also applies to the incorrect assembly of goods by the Buyer or third parties, as well as improper use, unloading, storage of the goods, damage to property and forfeited benefits.
2.All necessary costs associated with the removal of a defect or replacement of the goods that are free of defects, in particular the costs of transport, labor or materials, shall be borne by us, unless these costs increase due to the fact that the goods have been shipped elsewhere than the place of original delivery. The defect goods become our property.
3.If we do not find defects of the goods, all costs related to the control/inspection of the goods will be borne by the Buyer.
4.In the case of irrelevant defects, the Buyer shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract or refuse to accept the goods.
5.In the event that we give you a guarantee for the goods being sold, Terms and Conditions of such a guarantee are specified in a separate document. For non- regulated warranty coverage, these General Terms and Conditions of Sales apply.
6.These General Terms and Conditions of Sale exclude the warranty in its entirety, to which the Contractor and MARO agree.

12. Indemnity Claims

1.Unless otherwise stated in these General Terms and Conditions of Sales, we are solely responsible for violating material contractual, non-contractual and statutory obligations, and only in the event of intentional or gross negligence. This also applies to our salesmen, sales representatives and people that were responsible to deliver these duties. Subject to the following limits, the damage is shown only to the extent that the occurrence and height of the breach - as a typical consequence of the breach of our obligations - were able to predict at the time the contract was concluded and impossible to prevent / reduce by the Buyer.
2.We are not liable for any damages other than damages on the goods delivered. In particular, we are not responsible for lost benefits and other property damage of the Buyer and its contractors, as well as culpa in contrahendo.
3.The burden of proving that a defect has arisen prior to the passing of the danger of accidental loss or damage or resulting from a cause already prevailing the item from being sold stays with the Buyer.
4.Liability for damages resulting from anything other than guilt are excluded, unless such exclusion is legally permitted.
5.We are not liable for damages resulting from the failure or malfunction of the BookingGO application or a successful cyberattack attempt on elements of the BookinGO system. In particular, we are not liable for lost profits and other property damage of the Contractor and its contractors, as well as for culpa in contrahendo.

13. Reservation of ownership

1.All our deliveries and services are subject to ownership rights. Ownership of the delivered goods is transferred to the Buyer only when one regulates amounts due in respect of our business relationship, both with the Buyer and with the entities included in one’s capital group, together with the incidental costs associated with the subject matter of delivery. It concerns all receivables/amounts due, regardless of their legal basis, including conditional or future claims, as well as the case in which the Paying Party indicated where the claims were to be credited. In current settlements, the ownership of the goods is considered as collateral for the debt balance.
2.In the case of late payments, we are entitled to the right to immediately demand return of the goods and the ordering party is obliged to issue the goods to us. Execution of the above request will not affect the validity of the contract concluded between us and the Buyer, nor will the ability to pursue any further claims. Claiming such a claim is tantamount to withdrawing from the contract will be expressed by us in writing.

14. Applicable law. Jurisdiction of the court. Place of performance.

The law of the Republic of Poland, except for the United Nations Convention on Contracts for
International Sales, is applicable. The competent court is the common court in Poznań.
Irrespective of the above, we are entitled to sue the Buyer in the place of business / place of residence.

15.Industrial Property Rights

1.In the case of delivery made in accordance with the model, example supplied by the Buyer or delivery where materials supplied by the Buyer were used, the Buyer shall ensure the inviolability of the rights of third parties in the territory of the Republic of Poland (copyrights, patents, etc.). We will notify the Buyer of any knowledge we have about the rights of third parties and / or submitted by third parties. The Buyer will release from us any third party claims and repair the resulting damage. In the case of third party claims related to the manufactured or delivered goods, we are entitled to stop all work until the case is resolved between the Buyer and the third party. In the event that due to delays subsequent execution of the contract would be an undue nuisance, we are also entitled to withdraw from the contract. In the above cases, the Buyer cannot have any claims against us.
2.Patterns given to us in case no contract has been concluded, are only returned to the Buyer at his request. Otherwise those will be destroyed by us. The above obligation also applies to the Buyer accordingly.
3.We are entitled to copyrights and other industrial property rights, in particular the right of use and unrestricted use, to the designs, models, forms created by us a third party on our behalf.

16. Written form

Where in the General Terms and Conditions of Sales ‘in writing’ is stated, it also means by telefax and e-mail.

17. Severability clause

Any possible invalidity of individual provisions of the General Terms of Contracts will not invalidate the other provisions and agreements. The invalid provisions will be replaced by valid provisions that in a closest economic sense correspond to the invalid provisions.

18. Applicable Language

The following General Terms and Conditions of Sales was written in Polish and later translated to English. Although it is the Polish text which may prevail before the Court.



(valid from 01.08.2024r.)


1.Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. (hereinafter: 'MARO' or Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o.) guarantees the efficient operation of its products.
2.The General Warranty and Complaint Terms and Conditions constitute an integral part of the 'Sales Agreements', 'General Sales Terms and Conditions ', the current 'MARO Price List' and service agreements concluded between Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. and the Contractor for the products or services offered by MARO, unless these agreements provide otherwise.
3.The territorial scope of warranty protection shall cover the territory of the Republic of
Poland or the territory of the Contracting Party's country.
4.The warranty period for MARO products is varied:
4.1a standard product has a 5-year warranty,
4.2Op-Lite collection has a 2-year warranty,
4.3a non-standard product, which is not included in the current price list, has a warranty period of 1 year,
4.4electrical and electronic accessories such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi modules, displays, computers, remote controls, media ports, sockets, etc. have a 1-year warranty,
4.5natural elements of natural origin: sinter, veneer, natural wood, natural leather, etc. are covered by a 1-year warranty. The warranty covers only defects resulting from manufacturing and/or assembly defects, as long as these activities were performed by MARO. The warranty does not cover material defects and defects resulting from improper use,
4.6warranty conditions for the BookingGo service are set forth in Section ***22.
5.Terms and Conditions exclude statutory warranty in its entirety, to which the Contractor and MARO agree.
6.Warranty repair shall be provided after the following conditions are met:
6.1a complaint is sent to the distributor of the products of Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. carrying out a specific order, or, if the product was purchased directly from Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o., the complaint may be submitted by e-mail to: claims@maro.eu, or via the B2B portal: www.shop.maro.pl. The print of the Complaint Protocol is available at www.shop.maro.pl
6.2proof of purchase – invoice is submitted,
6.3defective product is delivered to the distributor or the headquarters of Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. (the product should be cleaned and packed, protected against damage in transport).
7.On receiving the products, the Contractor shall check the condition and quantity of delivered packages in the presence of the carrier. In the case of damage to the goods during transport, or if there is a visible damage to the external structure of the packaging or to the packaging tape, it is absolutely necessary to write a report on the inspection of the content of goods and to state whether the content of the consignment has been damaged or whether there are any shortages. In such a case, as well as in the case of finding differences between the amount of packaging given in the transport documents and the actual amount of the given packaging, a Complaint
Protocol should be filled in and the information about the above should be included in
the transport document. The Complaint Protocol shall be signed by both the Contractor's representative and the employee delivering the goods (driver or courier). Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. will not take into account any claims for shortage of packaging or damage to goods in damaged packaging in the delivery, if the transport document, Goods Issued Note and/or a waybill is confirmed by the Recipient without reservations.
7.1Complaints for shortages of packaging and damage to the goods during transport shall be reported on the day of delivery reception.
7.2Both complaints for assortment mistakes as well as complaints for shortages of goods in packaging or for defects in the goods which could not be found at the time of delivery (packaging not damaged) shall be accepted within five (5) working days from the date of delivery.
7.3The condition for accepting a complaint, in addition to completing the complaint protocol, is to provide photographs of damage to the goods and packaging.
7.4In the case of defects in the goods it is also advisable to send a photo of the QC label.
7.5The Customer shall describe the defects of the goods in accordance with the Complaint Report so that the complaint can be considered by Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. without undue delay due to the need to determine the reasons for the complaint. In the event of failure to deliver the Complaint Protocol within the aforementioned time limit, it shall be deemed that the Contracting Party accepted the delivery without reservations as to quantity and quality in its entirety and the amount indicated in the invoice shall become due on the payment date.
8The complaint is subject to formal verification within five (5) working days from the date of notification. Within the aforementioned period, a representative of Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. will inform the claimant in writing - to the e-mail or correspondence address indicated by the claimant - about the outcome of the verification, including acceptance or rejection of the claim and the manner of its resolution.
9If the complaint is considered and the complaint is found justified by Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o., the defective product is subject to repair or replacement at the choice of MARO.
10In the case of defects in the goods, first Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. removes the defects of the goods. If it is impossible to remove the defects of the goods, MARO replaces the goods with the defect-free ones.
11If it is not possible to remove the defects in the goods purchased by the Contracting Party and it is not possible to replace the goods with defect-free ones, and the defect is insignificant, after prior arrangements with MARO, the Contracting Party shall be entitled to reduce the price in the ratio of the value of the defect to the value of the goods purchased by the Contracting Party.
12If the quality complaint is accepted, MARO has the right to demand the return of the goods. The Parties shall determine the form, place and date of receipt of the claimed goods. The return shall be at MARO's expense. It shall be the Contracting Party's responsibility to secure the goods for the transport in at least the same manner as it was secured at the time of delivery. A copy of the Complaint Protocol shall be attached to the goods.
13If the product or one of its elements of the complaint is imported and Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o has no stock, the element shall be replaced immediately after
the element is delivered to Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO
Sp. z o.o and the Contracting Party shall be notified in writing about the planned date of complaint execution.
14Refusal to send the product or the part being the subject of complaint for repair to Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o. or preventing the repair at the Contracting Party's premises shall result in releasing MARO from the execution of the warranty obligations and, at the same time, in Contractor renouncing all claims under the warranty
15In the event the claim is not accepted, the Contracting Party shall receive a written justification for refusing to execute the claim and the product shall be returned to the place of purchase at the Contracting Party's expense.
16Any unauthorized person or use of non-original parts to repair the product shall void the warranty.
17The warranty entitlements do not include the Counterparty's right to claim lost profits and compensation for any damage caused by the product failure.
18Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to change and modernize the product, not affecting its general appearance or functionality.
19All defective products or parts of the product that will be replaced will become the property of Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO Sp. z o.o. In the event the Contracting Party fails to return the claimed or damaged product, MARO shall be entitled to issue an invoice charging the Contracting Party.
20In the event the complaint proves unjustified, Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO Sp. z o.o. is entitled to issue an invoice charging the Contracting Party, covering the costs of transport, man-hours of MARO’s employees and all other costs related to handling the complaint.
21The complaint shall not be the basis for withholding payment for the product and the entire order by the Contracting Party.
22The warranty does not cover:
22.1Installation service of the item, delivered under warranty - unless the claimed product was delivered with the installation service.
22.2Damage caused during assembly inconsistent with the instructions.
22.3Natural wear and tear of the product (wheels and upholstery materials, etc.) and dirt.
22.4Mechanical damage to the product caused by external destructive force not related to the standard operation of the product.
22.5Damage during transport and handling (not applicable to transport organized by Fabryka Mebli Biurowych MARO sp. z o.o.).
22.6Defective operation or damage caused by inappropriate use, carelessness of the user or use of the product contrary to its intended purpose.
22.7Differences in the shade of melamine, fabrics, in products successively purchased by the Contracting Party for the manufacture of which components from various production series of sub-suppliers were used.
22.8The products after any structural alterations and changes and repairs made by unauthorised persons.
22.9Mechanical damage to varnish coatings of wooden and metal surfaces resulting from bad exploitation, in particular exposure to excessive humidity, heat/cold/radiation.
22.10Products having elements made of natural wood, natural leather, natural veneer, characterized by conditions resulting from the nature of the raw material, which results in the inability to precisely determine the final aesthetic effect, understood
as colour, shade. MARO allows for the occurrence of slight differences resulting
from the above conditions within individual elements.
23Warranty terms and conditions for BookingGO
23.1System service shall be covered for a period of 1-year from the date of issuance of the sales document.
23.2The execution of the warranty for the System shall be carried out by the Supplier by performing repairs remotely. The Ordering Party shall provide the Supplier with remote access to the Software and Communication System for the duration of the warranty service. Remote access should take place via the Internet and a connection between the Supplier's IT infrastructure and the server located at the Ordering Party's premises. Access via the Internet will be carried out by the Ordering Party using a dedicated subnet - Virtual Private Network (VPN).
23.3In the event of an Error, the Ordering Party shall initially verify the reported problem in order to rule out the error on the part of the user/Ordering Party or its dependent systems and in the event the problem still occurs, send the information to the Supplier or its subcontractor by an authorized employee of the Ordering Party using the ticket system located at https://eveo.pl/report-problem/ or by sending an e-mail to helpdesk@smartoffice.expert. In case of failure to receive a confirmation of acceptance of the request (within a period equal to the response time) sent by the ticket system or from the above email, the request should be confirmed by phone at +48 534 384 934.
23.4A service notification shall consist in providing during Business Hours, i.e. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CET, to the Supplier's employee on duty (or his subcontractor) with information about the problem that has occurred, together with a detailed description of the type of problem.
23.5A service request made via the form or e-mail referred to in paragraph above shall be deemed to have been made upon receipt by the Ordering Party of an e-mail with information confirming that the request has been made or a telephone confirmation by the Supplier (or its subcontractor).
23.6The Ordering Party shall make the service notification in the manner described in paragraph 3 above. A notification made in any other manner shall have no legal or factual effect, in particular it shall not oblige the Supplier to undertake a service response. A service notification is considered to have been made at the moment when the Supplier confirms acceptance of the notification, i.e. at the moment when the Ordering Party receives a confirmation e-mail. If it is not possible to confirm acceptance of the notification in the manner mentioned in the preceding sentence, the Supplier's employee may confirm the notification by phone also via SMS.
23.7As part of the provision of the Software warranty, the Supplier agrees to fix errors within 12 working days of notification. Error reports by the Ordering Party shall be acknowledged by the Supplier within 72 hours of receipt.
23.8The Ordering Party agrees to make all due efforts to enable the Supplier to provide the warranty and in particular:
a.guarantee the necessary access to the System required to perform the tasks under this Agreement,
b.provide, upon request, the Supplier's employees with the information necessary to provide the services covered by this Agreement,
c.inform the Supplier of any changes in the configuration of the Communication System that may affect the operation of the System,
d.make available the data transmission link between the Ordering Party and the Supplier, provide at the Supplier's request remote access to the System from the Supplier's headquarters or branch office;
23.9In the event of remote access (as referred to above) to the System or the failure of the Ordering Party's employees to provide the information necessary to fulfill the warranty, the repair time shall be extended by the time of the lack of such access/information.
23.10Delays resulting from an act or omission of the Ordering Party shall cause a change in meeting the deadline for the services being performed that are the subject of this Agreement in such a way that the aggregate time of postponements shall be equal to the time of delay not caused by the Supplier. The Supplier shall not be liable for the postponement of the deadlines for the performance of the Contract for this reason, and the performance of the Contract in such case shall be deemed to have been completed on time.