How to organise shared space at work

Open space is, in the simplest terms, an open space with multiple workstations. More and more companies are opting for this way of organising office space. This solution has an impact on better communication, cooperation and creativity among employees. Thus, it generates increased productivity and improved relations between employees. Find out whether a two-person desk will work in this space.
What to consider when planning an open space?

Before you set about decorating your open-plan space, consider a few issues that are important for the end result of your work. Here they are:

1. consider the needs of your employees, as well as the type of work they will be doing. When you set about arranging your furniture, you need to remember to strike the right balance between shared and private space. This is important for the efficiency of the work and the office as a whole.

2 Consider creating functional zones, i.e. dividing the space into smaller ones, but without using partitions. You can set aside space for individual and team work, a place to relax, and a place to meet with clients.

3. every workstation must be ergonomic. Take a long moment to choose your furniture, including desks and chairs. These elements must work together and create a comfortable and safe working environment.

4. even though we are talking about an open space, take care of each employee's privacy. You can do this in a number of ways, for example by choosing double desks with a special partition in the middle, separating one workstation from the other.

Two-seater desk in an open-plan space

Bardzo praktycznym meblem, idealnym do przestrzeni open space, jest biurko dwuosobowe. To dlatego, że:

- Mebel umożliwia szybką i wygodną komunikację pomiędzy współpracownikami. Takie ustawienie stanowisk sprzyja przeprowadzaniu burzy mózgów, ale i wzajemnemu motywowaniu się do pracy. Ma też wpływ na sprawny przekaz informacji, a do tego ułatwia pracę nad wspólnymi projektami.

- Podwójne biurko poprawia relacje między współpracownikami, co może automatycznie przełożyć się na atmosferę w miejscu pracy.

- Biurko może być wyposażone w przegrodę oddzielającą jedno stanowisko pracy od drugiego, co zapewnia prywatność zawsze, gdy jest ona konieczna.

- Pracownicy, siedząc przy dwuosobowych biurkach są oddzieleni przegrodą lub odwróceni do siebie plecami. Dzięki temu, pomimo iż wszyscy znajdują się w jednym pomieszczeniu, mają odpowiednie warunki do wykonywania swoich zadań w skupieniu.

- Biurka dwuosobowe są nieco większe od biurek jednoosobowych, ale takie dwuosobowe stanowisko zajmuje jednak znacznie mniej miejsca, niż dwa stanowiska z osobnymi biurkami.

Two-seater desks from the MARO shop offer

Without a doubt, the double desk is well suited to open-plan spaces. With the use of this furniture you can create comfortable, visually appealing and, in addition, ergonomic workstations. In the MARO shop's offer you will find two types of two-seater desks. These are:

- standard two-seater desks,

- two-seat desks with an electrically adjustable top.

Electric desks are very popular in our shop. Among those most frequently chosen are the Lano-E 300 T Bench electric desk, the Lano-E 300 Q Bench electric height adjustable desk and the Lano-E 300 F Bench electric height adjustable desk.

This furniture creates a comfortable and safe working environment for all employees, regardless of their height and individual preferences.We encourage you to explore the entire range of MARO office furniture. In our collections we have a large selection of desks created using the best quality materials, in line with the latest trends.