Trendy, události a novinky

Electric desks for students
Students, trying to arrange their personal space in a shared room or apartment, don’t pay much attention to the desk they use. However, it is at this desk that they will be spending long hours studying and working on the computer. Check out how students’ health can benefit from the use of an electric desk.
5 ways to integrate an electric desk into a minimalist interior
A minimalist interior seems to be a limitation for those who intend to use a desk in it. Fortunately, this is only an impression as there are some tricks that allow for an interesting, yet functional arrangement of an office, and at the same time minimalist space. Discover 5 ways to integrate an electric desk into such interior.
What do office workers say about electric desks?
The electric desk is a piece of furniture that users can easily adapt to their needs. Both for sitting and standing work. Our customers eagerly choose electrically adjustable desks available in the MARO store. Thanks to that, we know exactly what they think of this piece of furniture and why they value it so much. Of all the desks available in our offer, the electric desk is the most popular one. For good reason. Considering what office workers say about these pieces of furniture, they are certainly worth buying.
How a desk for two can change your remote work experience
A desk for two people is an essential part of a modern office space, also the one set in your home. It’s more than a simple piece of furniture. A desk for two people is both functional and pleasant to look at thanks to its design. It represents a comfortable and inspirational work space. Check out how it can change your remote working experience.
How to effectively choose a double desk for a home office?
A double desk is a piece of furniture that is designed to optimize space as much as possible. If selected well, it can create comfortable working conditions in a home office. This solution works well in situations where it’s not possible to create two separate workstations.
Rules of creating an ergonomic workstation for two employees
An ergonomic workstation is a comfortable chair, a desk with a top at the right height, properly set monitor and good lighting. In this piece we’d like to present the rules of creating an ergonomic workstation not for one but for two people.
Assembly and maintenance of electric desk: everything you need to know
The electric desks by MARO are designed for people who appreciate aesthetics, functionality and comfort. We deliver our desks to our clients in parts, and they do need to be assembled by the clients themselves. Each set comes with step-by-step instructions on how to assemble and operate the item. Below you can find out more about each of those activities based on the chosen piece of furniture.
Sejdeme se v hlavních městech!
Tento měsíc budeme mít příležitost setkat se dvakrát, a to ve dvou různých evropských hlavních městech! Společnost MARO si vás dovoluje informovat a pozvat k návštěvě našich stánků! Ve Varšavě budeme mít to potěšení zúčastnit se oborové akce pro architekty a interiérové designéry - Achitect@Work, která se bude konat 15.-16. května. Na našem stánku budou k vidění nové výrobky navržené v souladu s nejnovějšími trendy v designu a s ohledem na udržitelnost. V Londýně se společnost MARO zúčastní Clerkenwell Design Week, předního britského festivalu designu, který se koná od 21. do 23. května. Clerkenwell je známý jako jedno z nejvýznamnějších center designu na světě a je tavicím kotlem inovací a inspirace. Kromě našich špičkových produktů budou na našem stánku k vidění i novinky, které dokonale zapadají do inspirativní atmosféry akce. Nezapomeňte si uložit oba termíny! Doufáme, že se s vámi budeme moci setkat!
Are electric desks eco-friendly? Energy consumption analysis
Changing your position from sitting to standing while working for hours has a positive impact on your mood, health and productivity. An electric desk allows you to adjust the height of your desktop in just a few seconds. This is thanks to a modern mechanism powered by electricity. Does a height-adjustable desk generate higher electricity bills?
New products at MARO
Recent changes on the furniture market have been very fast-paced. This is related to the growing awareness of employee comfort in offices as well as the shift away from the classic working systems towards hybrid work. Lately, much agile office furniture, which adapts to home office work, has appeared on the market. There are also many products designed with a view to streamline office work. More and more attention is paid to the negative impact of noise on employees' efficiency and well-being.